Want to get together or be on the site?
As I've described before my main motivation in having this site is to promote the hot wife / hot girlfriend lifestyle and hopefully have lots of sex with them as well :) so if you are a woman looking for fun (or a husband wanting his wife to get fucked by me or my friends) let me know by sending me an email at swinger1 at gmail dot com. You can be on the site with a mask or without or if you need absolute discretion we can do it privately as well of course.
I can also post pictures submitted to me as long as they are real as I am sure many will enjoy looking at them. Also, if you have good stories about adventures please send them to me for posting. I will in the future automate the submission process but in the meantime it will all be manually posted by me.
Hot Wife Personals
If you are a hot wife or girlfriend and you are looking for guys, feel free to send me your ad and what you are looking for and I'll post it. In the future I will add an automated program that will allow women and men to upload their ads automatically.
 Paige - Someone who emailed me about being featured as a slut wife on the site |